Wednesday, November 26, 2008

in-sight to his presidency?

In the Audacity of Hope its the auto-biography on his political career, not of his whole life much to my displeasure but this is also interesting and something I think we should all read. We should get to know as much as possible of our presidents past, present to learn from our countries mistakes. I think that this book would give us a in-sight into how he may run the white house and how these next four years will turn out.
Right now in the book, Obama is talking about his new career into politics and he is just getting into the rythem of his new senate position schedule. He talks about all the things that are in his scheldule, but what jumped out at me was a small comment, he wanted to catch a flight home before the girls went to bed. Reading that I thought "He really cares about his family if one: he thought to do that and two: he would remember that and want to put that in his book, third: he puts so much into family, that I think that he will definitatly be thinking of our nations families and what they need/afford. 


Meghan M said...

I agree with you Tessa, people should learn as much as they can about our current present, especially when it is as simple as reading a book. The fact that he though about wanting to fly home to tuck his girls in and them remembered it and decided to put it in his book as you said says a lot about his character and who he is as person not just as the president.

Mikayla L. said...

I thought it was funny the way you said In the Audacity of Hope its the auto-biography on his political career, not of his whole life much to my displeasure! I agree with you completely, we all should know little something about our president. After all, he is speaking for us now, if he knows us we should know him! Sounds like our country is in good hands

Tony V said...

Barack isn't just a president or a leader, he's a historic accomplishment as well as a hero. His life is very interesting and I would agree that because he holds family close and believes in family values, that he will treat the nation as such and look upon it as a caring father to his child. He's a good guy.