Tuesday, December 2, 2008


In the Audacity of Hope by: Barack Obama, one of the chapters talks about Race. Obama being mixed with a unique racial background, his mother being white and his father kenyan, then also living in many different locations such as Hawaii, indonesia, and in America it has giving him many different outlooks on life and the social order. Obama talks about how America has come far but there are still racist acts, and that he calls upon not only the colored people of america to step forward but to everyone to clearly disapprove of these acts. 

I really like this part of the book, being a bi-racial citizen this impacts me, I need to know how are president feels and how he will act on the issue of race and racism in our country. Its not just a touchy subject but something that should be handled seriously. I also like chapter because are country is growing everyday and its not how it was anymore. The minorities are becoming the majority, and so race is obviously going to play apart. 

1 comment:

Samantha said...

This is a good point. I agree that race should be a factor taken seriously and by having a president that is infact a minority it may set a better example for countries all over the world.